Wednesday, 17 September 2014


There comes a time in life, you're mature enough to conceive a child for a lady and fertile enough to get a girl pregnant for a guy. The era of random sex becomes rather boring and to some extent immature. We all have that one friend who is in a comfortable relationship and we always bear listening to how one day they want to kill each other and another they want to elope and get married. This is for the single guy and girl next door. If your dating please stop, smile and screw you. 

So, what is puppy love? Have you ever experienced it ? If you have you tend to look for it in every prospective idiot that comes around. First, let's be clear puppy love is not love at first sight. The only thing I have ever fallen in love at first sight is whiskey, so unless we date inanimate objects, love at first sight is just an excuse by thirsty desperate guys. Puppy love is serious but also not so serious love. Serious that you actually get something out of it rather than just sex. You actually become a better person... Your partner makes you better person. I know of girls who have turned staunch weed smokers around, though sounds petty, but puppy love actually makes you a better person. Your life tends not to be all about you. Single guys tend to have a selfish persona, they only think of themselves, every purchase is personal, every plan is personal which is a sad way of living. Puppy love is also not so serious, laughter and joy dominates, pseudonyms to each other, and lines that only the couple understand. Have you ever a couple say a random line like 'stars above' and they both look at each other glowing... Sounds shady to us single guys but it's beautiful to them, they change mundane words to something more, something great and something beautiful. 

One particular couple I'd like to salute is Tom and Shakila. I really hope you guys are still together lest you'll render my post irrelevant. Anyway, they started dating when we were back in high school, which is about 3-4 years ago. Years down the line , still strong, I had given them 1 year but guess they proved me wrong. Anyway, this highlights the fact that when you find the one for you... Your happy .. Your content. Even for a real ass G like Tom., who at first sight might not be settling type has found his puppy love. I will not lie that their is a lot of time to find your puppy love because there actually isn't. This is probably why I am writing this desperate plea to all the good guys and gorgeous girls. Be accommodating, accept everyone, go for that coffee date with that guy you ignore his calls, guys take that mama you always stalk on watsupp out. Ask her, if she says yes, that's a start, if she says no, at least you tried. Puppy love is not just found by looking at someone and falling head over heels, no it's found by hard work and actually trying to give a damn. Guys have the hardest time, a single romantic gesture is meet with harsh scorn from their pals, however, tell yourself they will die single, which they probably will. 

I knew a guy who faithfully texted his crush, sometimes the girl would ignore but the guy would not stop. He was like 'Morning! Have a great day' and the girl's watsupp status would shift from 'online' to 'last seen...' But he continued. Eventually, they went on a date and the girl realized he is one of the few guys who actually give a damn. He is one of the good guys. Girls settle with good guys but are broken by bad guys. Not a single good guy wants to bad, but ironically the bad guys eventually turn good. The renaissance started with a single step., I hope this special generation of guys will actually give a damn, this generation of girls will be accommodating and we'll all find this fleeting puppy love. Life is not about how much success we make but by the hearts we touch, starting to change hearts starts by changing our own, being more to the world that 'me'. So, go ahead text a friend and let them know you will always be there, put a smile on their face and let's change our rigid hearts. 

I hope you find your puppy love like Tom and Shakila have, I surely hope I do too. 

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