Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Okay, I’d like to apologize for the rather long hiatus that I took; I have been busy figuring out some personal stuff. Anyway I’m back. That I said, lemme go back to the question at hand, is it really worth dating in this economy?
I know, I’ll probably sound like a jerk but times are hard, an average decent plate of lunch costs 300, which is why I miss lunch. I’d rather eat a fruit, take a drink or if I’m home, I just cook. Breakfast on the other hand goes for about 100bob and supper say 200. Roughly 300-400 a day inclusive of transport to and fro school if you’re a student. It’s hard to even support myself in these streets, so it begs the question, what if you have a kamama and she says you guys meet on Wednesday… Mimi cjui why hangefikiria ata yeye we just meet on Tuesday for free pizza, she has to hurt my wallet, I buy two small pizza and two drinks. Mimi ninakula yangu nasishibi, her on the other hand, complains ati ‘aki babe pizza iko na crust mob’ ‘nitakula tu nyama’ … bitch please si ungepika pizza kwenu. 1000bob gone like that!
My other point of contention is this new ice cream place, Coldstone. Just one day walk past Coldstone and see couples walking out, mwanaume amekasirika ata hajui ataenda aje home. Ice-cream, just like 2 scoops with sprinkled goodies na kamkate juu is 500! Yaani with 500 you can buy like 6 liters of soda, you can even buy the 5liter box of icecream or 10 loaves of bread. Na ujue 500 ni ya mtu mmoja. Hii Coldstone ifungwe. Never will I go there… I am not even a fan of ice-cream, wacha niende Sunford for half chicken, chips, soda na nibaki na pesa.
Lastly, going out, jameni jameni, hapo ndipo munatumalisa! Kwa club beer ni 200, soda 100 na blackice/redice/snapp/reds are 250, cjui kwanini and ni kidogo. Now, these women like pretending hawakunwi beer in public, enda kwa nyumba yao juja utapata wako juu ya Senator Key na straw. Anyway, she will drink a minimum of 4 redds, mukitoka ataskia njaa, so choma sausage for her, if your’e lucky, boiled egg na kachumbari. She will ‘not feel like javing’ so kama gari haiko taxi all the way. You will spare a bare minimum of 3000 Jomo Kenyatta Kenya Shillings. That’s more than my weekly budget man.  
In retrospect, I have absolutely no problem with dating. My only problem is that girls think we are DJ Khaleed and will provide mpaka pesa ya mamayake. We are in this together, let’s us both chip in. In this economy, as a student, that kaside-chick seems so economical now. To the girlfriends who help foot the bill, You Loyal …. You Smart and we Appreciate ya’ll.
I’m out.